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Major Runkle states in regard to the twenty six names appended to the petition and charges against Dr. Bell, that a majority of them knew nothing of the facts & that only five viz, F.J. Griffith M.D. G.W. Griffith M.D. James Bruce, J.F. Kennedy & J.F. Lytton M.D. testified from personal knowledge. All were summoned.

Charges against Dr. Bell.

First. Allowing ex rebels to act as medical cadets in the hospital.
Finding: These cadets were appointed by Surg. F.A. Town U.S.A. Chief Surg. &c. who preceeded Dr. Bell in the hospital, and that as soon as the latter took charge he reported them and they were immediately removed. Dr. Bell is therefore pronounced not guilty of this charge.

Second. Dr. Benson (Rebel) to lecture in the Hospital.
Finding  That Drs. Benson, Frazer and Ireland, Medical Proffessors University of Louisville, lectured in the hospital by permission of Genl Jeff. C. Davis Asst. Comr. and Chief Surg. F.A. Town, U.S.A. and that Dr Bell was not responsible therefor.

Third - That Dr. Bell associates and affiliates with rebels &c.
Finding: That Dr. Bell's loyalty & integrity is well proven and that this charge is not sustained by the evidence adduced.