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cars at night, but my wife decided I should not as she did not wish to be left alone with Maj Roberts. 
Q. R. Did Maj Roberts find any fault with [[note]] 5 [[/note]] your conduct and work while in this office?
A. B. Not that I am aware of, never to me, but expressed himself in the highest terms, to my friends.
Q. R. Did Capt Brown find any fault with [[note]] 10 [[/note]] you, or your work?
A. B. No , but expressed himself to my friends Dr Griffiths & others as highly pleased and satisfied with me. 
Q. R. On or about, what time did Maj Roberts [[note]] 15 [[/note]] speak to you about being agent for a swing and did he state that he was such an agent.
A. B. On or about May 1st Maj Roberts met me and said I was to be discharged and said [[note]] 20 [[/note]] he had a swing from New Jersey, would I not take hold of it. I was indignant at the offer of menial employment and told him I would not be put off in that way. He said I could not do anything. I had no friends [[note]] 25 [[/note]] at Head Quarters nor had no friends who had influence there.
Q. R. Did you previous to your discharge think Maj Roberts was trying to have you discharged?
A. B. Yes, I accused him of it.
Q. R. [[note]] 30 [[/note]] Why did you think so?

Transcription Notes:
replaced "L" with "Q." for "Question