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Maj Roberts, Genl Frederick and friends of my own, people who were working around, and patients without prescriptions drink it. 
Q. R. When did this practice begin and when end?
A. B. [[note]] 5 [[/note]] It existed when I came and to a great extent was stopped when the rebel cadets were discharged and rebel doctors ceased to lecture.
Q. R. Under whose charge was the Hosp'l at this time?
A. B. Doctor Bell's
Q. R. [[note]] 10 [[/note]] How many times did you see Dr Bell drink?
A. B. Repeatedly, from the time I came until the discharge of the rebel cadets when I stopped going on account of the ill feeling between Dr Bell and myself.
Q. R. [[note]] 15 [[/note]] What was this ill feeling?
A. B. During the "stir" about the rebel cadets I went in to get a drink and "Mr Cahill" told me Dr Bell had ordered no more whiskey given out except on prescriptions. I said does [[note]] 20 [[/note]] this apply to me? He said yes but I feel there was something hidden I said did Dr Bell mention me? He said yes. I then sent for Dr Bell and asked him if any party had complained of me drinking whiskey? He said "yes" [[note]] 25 [[/note]] I asked who being satisfied there was spite? He refused to tell I said if you stop one you must stop all rebels and all. He turned on his heel and walked off. 
Q. R. [[note]] 30 [[/note]] How often did you see Lt Hogarty drink Gov't Whiskey?