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Q. R. Did any once else but those above mentioned drink Gov't whisky?
A. B. None unless the Dep't Medical officer was present when a pipe was presented to Dr. F. L. Town. 
Q. R. [[note]] 5 [[/note]] Was any whisky taken from the Hospital and by whom?
A. B. Maj Roberts gave me a quart bottle of whisky which he said he took while the clerks back was turned. He also said an officer from [[note]] 10 [[/note]] Hd. Qrs. had called and they had had some whisky. I found it in his desk and took it home as he directed this one a sunday.
Q. R. What act of Maj Roberts do you refer to as having in view the displacing for Gen'l Frederick
A. B. [[note]] 15 [[/note]] He said in my family circle "he would prefer charges against him and have him turned out. That Gen'l Ely was a friend of his (Roberts') and would do all he could to turn him out and said if that would not do he would send [[note]] 20 [[/note]] to Washington.
He was always finding fault with and sneering at Gen'l Frederick saying he was drunk when I knew he was sober. The underhand indifference was this. During Gen'l Frederick's absence he raised [[note]] 25 [[/note]] a question of rank, according to his own statement had enlisted the services of Capt Burke 45th U. S. I. to use his influence with the officers in charge to have Gen'l Frederick relieved [[note]] 29 [[/note]] and sent to this Regiment, stated he had had

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