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Q. R. Did your wife ever say anything to you about Maj Roberts' conduct towards her previous to your discharge?
A. B. Nothing further than hints which at the time [[note]] 5 [[/note]] I thought nothing of. But since have.
Q. R. Did any one else?
A. B. I did receive hints from outside parties. Mr Meyers who promised to tell me what parties said in the store. But I did not care to stir [[note]] 10 [[/note]] it up at that time. Mrs Wallace also hinted and just before I was discharged Capt Kennedy hinted he had heard that Mrs B complained to Dr Griffiths. Ms Meyers hinted at this about six weeks before I was relieved. 
Q. R. [[note]] 15 [[/note]] When did your wife first state that Maj Roberts had acted improperly toward her?
A. B. Never did actually until after I was relieved when I asked that she would tell me all.
Q. R. You state in your communication that Dr [[note]] 20 [[/note]] Bell permitted H. W. Benson a swindler &c to lecture in the Hosp'l. Plese state what you know of this fully?
A. B. I was once present at the lecture. Dr Benson delivered once a week for about six [[note]] 25 [[/note]] weeks. There was present as far as I know Dr. Bell, the rebel cadets, parties from town, Mr Masier whom  believe to be a rebel. The reporter of the Courier, Dr Bell gave his countenance [[note]] 29 [[/note]] or I suppose gave the authority, was it was