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stopped by order from Head Quarters. Maj Roberts Gen'l Frederick & Capt Brown refused to go, all expressed themselves against it or T.J. Griffiths. Maj Griffiths M. D. Capt E. D. Kennedy [[note]] 5 [[/note]] Dr John Owens Dr Lytton Resident Physician Marnie Hosp'l would not attend because they knew Benson's character and condemned Dr Bells course. 
Q. R. Did Dr Bell ever refuse these gentlemen [[note]] 10 [[/note]] admission to the Hosp'l?
A. B. Yes sir.
Q. R. Under what circumstance?
A. B. Not being on speaking terms with Dr Bell I dropped him a note in courteous language [[note]] 15 [[/note]] and by consent of Capt Brown sending an orderly with it, asking the privilege of Hospital visitation to some influential loyal friends of mine in this city. He replied to the orderly "tell Mr Bruce to mention their names, [[note]] 20 [[/note]] Considering myself insulted I requested the orderly to state to Capt Brown what Dr Bell had said - Capt Brown knowing them to be respectable loyal men said it was too bad he would make it a personal matter. He then went [[note]] 25 [[/note]] to see Dr Bell and coming back informed me I had better notify my friends not to come as they were refused admittance by Dr Bell. I wrote Dr George Griffith and went down and saw Dr T. J. Griffiths as far as I know they [[note]] 30 [[/note]] notified parties not to come.