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Q.R. Were these men invited before or after Dr Bell refused them admittance?
A.B. Dr. T.J. Griffiths, Maj G.W. Griffiths, late U.S.V. Dr Owen, Capt Kennedy, Dr Lytton, Dr Wilson and one or two citizens came and were refused admittance  I suggest that the matter be referred to Hds Qrs, Capt Brown did so, also Dr Griffith.
When Dr Bensons lectures were stopped and certain hours of visitation opened (by orders) for visitation of the public, This matter was reported by Capt Brown and Dr Griffith about Mch 31, or thereabout. They were invited after.

Q.R. Had the above anything to do with your discharge?
A.B. On account of it I became obnoxious to Dr Bell.

Q.R. You mentioned yesterday a "pipe presentation" Please state when this occurred, who was present, and if Govt Whisky was drank?
A.B. Just before Dr Town left, Dr Bell, Dr Benson, Dr DeWitt, and Genl Ely (don't know if Gen'l F was there)  were present, some glasses on the table, "some whisky going out and in" but don't know for what purpose, but am under the impression strongly, that it was drank there.

Q.R. Before what officer did you make oath to the affidavit forwarded to Gen'l Howards?
A.B. That was not an affidavit but a statement. it was not made oath to, however was made out though for that purpose.

Q.R. You charge Maj. Roberts with incompetency