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A.M.B. On or about the 8th Dec. (I am not certain) we went to Mrs Nugents Jefferson St bet 9th and 10th to board, Maj Roberts called (no invitation given) and asked for Mrs Bruce, saw me in Mrs McLellans room on the first floor (door open Mrs Mc in the next room) (the kitchen) asked me "if I wished James to become a clerk in the Bureau" I said I wished he could, he was not accustomed to such work as he was doing in the cars. He said Gen'l Frederick had a young man down town he wished to put in but Capt Brown is my friend and I think I can get him to take your husband. He then went away. That was all that occured then. He called several times during Dec. to see James and saw me then. saw me each time in the kitchen or dining room. Mrs McLellan or Mrs Nugent, sometimes both being present, every time talked about my husbands proposed situation in the Bureau, said he must improve his hand writing, as work on the cars had swollen his hands. (This was Christmas Eve) said he had been down town with certain officers, that they were not going in good company and he left them. He came right up stairs into my room, without sending his card, or even notifying me through a servant. He said he came to see James, I bring a 

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