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bottle of whisky (producing it) I want to spend Christmas with him. I said he must be on the night cars, he is not at home, I am just putting on my things to go down and see if he is. He said he was going down and would walk with me. He said I'd best not take Jimmie (my son) it was too cold. I said yes I will, people might talk. He went to "Car Hd. Qrs" they said he was not there, Coming home he said he (meaning James) is running round with some of the women he meets on the cars. We went home and went into the dining room. I proposed a game of cards, he played a few games and went away. Sunday (probably the Sunday after Christmas) he came again at 2-PM - I was in a bad humor. he asked "what was the matter"? I told him James had lost his car, "You'r very foolish" he said to live with him at all". perhaps I said his temper will improve when he gets a better situation. He never was so till he went on the cars. He said "I'll tell you what you'd better do" Take your boy and go into the country. I am going to take some land" I said don't you expect an appointment in the Regular Army? He said No. "I will go down first and I will send you some money" No one will know where you are if you will only come," I said "What will 

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