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Jan'y 24th Maj Roberts came every day always asking me to go down in the country with him" He said to other people he was going to Texas" he told me. He said "You must go in March" "After that "I will pay your expenses to England if you wish to go" I said, in such case, "I would not be received in such a case" He said "tell your mother James was not good to you" I declined to do so. This was in March.  
About 1st March Maj Roberts came to our house and stayed from 2 P.M. to 7 P.M. I was alone with him until 4:30 P.M.  He pulled me on his lap very indecently, I cried, and told him "I would tell James" He said "if you knew how I loved you, you would not talk so to me" I said "that is not love, it is indecency". He then let me go and I went to get dinner. My husband came in with Littell and stayed two or three minutes, I thought from Maj Roberts actions he had been drinking. James came back at 6:30 P.M. Maj Roberts said to him "go to my desk, there is the key, there is a qt Boule of Whisky there, I took it from the Drug Store, while the Steward's back was turned, "If Gen Frederick's there dont let him see you." I said "James dont go" "it will look bad going in the desk" Maj Roberts said "It is my desk and no one has a right to go into it, save such

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