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"He asked once "if James could get access to Gen'l Fredericks private papers?" I said no, the box is locked "Gen'l F" has the key" He said " would get "Gen'l F" out of his boarding 5 house and out of the Bureau"

Q. R. Where did Maj Roberts say he got the whisky referred to in your statement?

A. M.B. He said he ran with it out of the Govt Drug Store. I thought he had a right to.

Q. R. Were you, or are you in the habit of receiving gentleman visitors in your room at evening?

A. M.B. No gentlemen ever came to my rooms. I don't know many gentlemen.


Louisville Ky June 27 1867
15 Evidence of Thos. J. Griffith Ws. in the case of James Bruce vs Dr R.A. Bell-

Being duly sworn deposes as follows:
Q. R. What is your name Age and occupation?
A. G. Thos J. Griffiths Age 41, Occupation Physician

Q. R. 20 How long have you known James Bruce?
A. G. About 8 or 9 months.

Q. R. Is your knowledge of him such that you can testify to his character?
A. G. Yes

Q. R. 25 What is his general character?
A.G. Good: he is sober, industrious, truthful and 27 truly loyal.