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Q.R. How long have you known Mrs. Lucy H Bruce? Is your knowledge of her such as to enable you to testify to her character?
A.G. I have known her for nearly a year, yes it is. 

Q.R. What is her character?
A.G. Good, for virtue and integrity.

Q.R. How long have you been a Physician in this city?
A.G. Seventeen Years.

Q.R. How long have you known Dr R.A. Bell?
A.G. Four or Five Years.

Q.R. State all you know of Dr Bells conduct since he has been in charge of the Bureau Hospl?
A.G. He has been constantly associated with rebels, especially on Dr Benson, a man who was notorious as having swindled the Gov't and having been sentenced to two years confinement in Camp Nelson, therefore. This association was mostly when Dr Bell was in the Hospl as A.A. Surgeon, also in the street and socially In fact the rebels seemed to have full control. Dr Benson lectured at the Hospl with Dr Bells countenance and I suppose permission. Notice of the lectures were published in the papers almost weekly, until Dr D.J. Griffith late Med. Director 3d Div. 4th Army Corps (Gen'l Sheridan's went to Gen'l Ely and remonstrated against it. 

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