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Several Physicians Drs D.J. Griffith Geo W. Griffith, late Bvt Maj 2d Ky Cav'ly Dr Wilson, Dr Sylton, myself and others were invited by Capt Brown and Mr Bruce to come to the Hosp'l to visit the same. I afterward rec'd a note from Mr Bruce not to come, that Dr Bell would not admit the "Griffiths" all but D.J. Griffith and Dr Sylton came. Capt Brown asked permission for us to enter, Dr Bell said positively we could not enter, as the "Griffiths" were his personal enemies. He repeated this to me most positively. He treated me in a very ungentlemanly manner, rudely, accused the Griffiths of preferring charges against him, when none of them had ever thought of it. We then left. 

Q.R. In what way did Dr Bell treat the Benson party? Did he go outside of that courtesy that is required of an officer?
A.G. I think he did in associating freely with a man who was a known rebel. It was in bad taste at least, seemed to be, bosom friends, Loyal men could not be admitted, were refused until after Gen'l Ely's order.

Q.R. Was there any feud or ill feeling between yourself and brothers and Dr Bell previous to his refusal to admit you to the Hospital?
A.G. Not in the least. Always felt kindly toward him.

Q.R. Was Dr Bell responsible for the Rebel Cadets being in the Hospital?

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