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June 27th 1867
Testimony of George W. Griffith in the case of James Bruce vs. Dr R.A. Bell and Bt Maj R.W. Roberts U.S.V.

Being duly sworn deposes as follows

Q.R. What is your name, Age, and occupation?
A.G.W.G. Geo W. Griffiths M.D. age 27 (note, was in the army 4 1/2 years as an officer, wish it understood I am a radical) 

Q.R. You have heard the evidence given by your brother as to the character of Bruce and Wife, read, can you endorse it?
A.G.W.G. Yes, Sir

Q.R. Did Mrs Bruce ever complain to you of Maj Roberts treatment? If so how and under what circumstances?
A.G.W.G. She conversed with me at my office about it at the time it occurred. And since, asked if she should tell her husband. Said Maj Roberts had approached her on several occasions in a very [[strikethrough]] un [[strikethrough]] familiar (verbatim) manner. Said Maj R had used her husband as a tool, got him a situation, and desired him to go on the cars at night, that he might visit the house. She insisted that Mr Bruce should stay at home, That Maj R advised her to leave Bruce, saying he would pay her way to England and back and then he would 

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