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buy a farm "South" ,and they would live together. I advised her not to tell Mr Bruce, that she could resist all such approaches, and he could hold his position. This was previous to Mr Bruce's discharge.

Q.R. How long have you known Dr R.A. Bell?

A.G.W.G. About two years, not intimately.

Q.R. State freely all you know about Dr Bell's management of the Freedmens Hospital, as relates to Rebel Doctors Lecturing and the admission of Rebel Cadets and Rebels generally and the refusal to admit loyal men.

A.G.W.G. Last March (67) Mr Bruce came to my office and said there were two or three rebel cadets in the Hosp'l, and that Dr Benson, a rebel, and Government Swindler Lectured there. I told Bruce to say nothing and I would see some influential loyal man, and have it reported to the proper Hd Qrs. Several Citizens thereupon met at my office, and advised my brothers to go to Gen'l Ely, in person, and report the matter to him. I knew that Benson, an avowed rebel was here almost daily, after the order prohibiting the lectures. And in close communication with Dr Bell. I know that Dr Bell gave countenance to and permitted the lectures of Benson and Frazer, and knew of the 

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