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rebel cadets. And it is not known to any loyal man that he ever reported it. Mr Bruce extended to me and other union friends an invitation to visit the Hosp'l. [[left margin]] 5 [[/left margin]] I extended the invitation to Gen'l Speed, Capt Kennedy, Dr Wilson Dr Fais, my Brothers, and many others. After this invitation I rec'd a note from Bruce, and he came officially from Capt Brown, notifying me that Dr [[left margin]] 10 [[/left margin]] Bell refused to admit the Griffiths and personal friends. I saw the above named gentlemen, except Gen'l Speed, and determined to come and test the matter.

We came and saw Dr Bell. He stated that he [[left margin]] 15 [[/left margin]] [[strikethrough]] mis [[/strikethrough]] understood the Griffiths had preferred charges against him, to the "Secretary of War" if such charges had been sent he positively refused us admittance. We were not admitted, and left without seeing the wards [[left margin]] 20 [[/left margin]] of the Hosp'l. Cant say he treated us very courteously, seemed, to be excited (at the array of Union men I suppose)

[[left margin]] Q - R [[/left margin]] Was it stated positively at the time that no charges had been preferred? if so, by who.

[[left margin]] A. G.W.G. 25 [[/left margin]] It was by my brother F.J. Griffith who at same time said charges ought to have been preferred. 

[[left margin]] Q. R. 28 [[/left margin]] Did he still persist in refusing admittance?

Transcription Notes:
Please review carefully. I think it originally read "misunderstood" and the "mis" was rubbed out. -- Beth