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Louisville Ky June 28 1867

Evidence of E.D. Kennedy, in the case of James Bruce vs Dr. R.A. Bell and Maj R.W. Roberts

Being duly sworn deposes as follows.

Q.R. What is your name age and occupation
A.K. Evan David Kennedy, 40 years, A Lawyer

Q.R. How long have you been acquainted with J. Bruce?
A.K. Cant say exactly, for a number of months. 

Q.R. Is your knowledge of him such as to warrant you in testifying to his character?
A.K. Yes Sir.

Q.R. What is his character?
A.K. That of a gentleman. His loyalty is undoubted. I have every confidence in his integrity. I have formed so high an opinion of him that I had determined to get him away from a Gov't Clerkship and place him in a position more suited to his talents, in a first class Commercial house or bank.

Q.R. Did Bruce ever consult you concerning any injustice which he alleged had been done him by any officer of the Bureau?
A.K. Yes Sir. I received several calls from other gentlemen who informed me that Mr Bruce was to be dismissed from the Bureau, said in their opinion it was no fault of his, asked me to consider what could be done in the matter. Immediately after at my request

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