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make me up for any favor I should do him. I said I did not do that kind of business. He asked me to go to Gen'l Whipple, with whom I was intimate and get the matter quashed. (verbatim) I told him Gen'l W was out of town and that Gen'l Thomas had got hold of it and it was too late to quash it now.

Q.R. Are you acquainted with Dr Benson
A.K. I am not personally. Only by reputation.

Q.R. What is his reputation as a man?
A.K. He has the reputation of being a violent opposer of the U.S. Government

Q.R. Do you know anything of Dr Bell's having refused admittance to any medical gentlemen or others to the Hospl and if so pleas state what you know concerning it?
A.K. He in my presence refused several medical gentlemen (discharged officers of the Union Army) permission to visit the Hosp'l. It was stated to Dr Bell by the party, that he had given admittance to rebel citizens and surgeons and asked why he should not afford (verbatim) the same courtesy to union men. He took the responsibility, he assured me of it himself. I asked him for his reasons- if these facts were so. He said that no one not a 

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