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A A large majority were rebels, Dr Bell's intimate associates were rebels, Benson and he were intimate friends. Seemed to be the principal man at the Hosp'l.

Q Who was in charge of the Hospital when the whisky was drank?
A Dr Bell was the Surgeon in charge.

Louisville June 28, 1867
Testimony of Dr Lytton in the case of James Bruce vs Dr R.A. Bell.
Being duly sworn deposes as follows.

Question What is your name. Age. and occupation?
Ans. J.S. Lytton M.O. age 34.

Q What if you know anything, do you know about the mal-administration of the affairs of the Hospital, Bureau R.F. & A. Lands.
A I know that Dr Benson a rebel, and the members of the university Faculty (pretty much all rebel) except one Dr F.S. Bell, Lectured there.  I heard him (Benson it is supposed he meant) say so.

Q By whose countenance or permission did he or they lecture?
A Surgeon in charge;  

Q Who was that? 

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Transcription Notes:
Kept line notes in margin at bottom for easier readability, other corrections