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A. Dr R.A. Bell I suppose.
Q. What was the reputation of the Hospital generally?
A. That it was controlled by rebels?
5 They had full sway, I would not venture there. A union man was not treated with common civility, During the time Dr Benson lectured there he boasted publicly that he was a rebel;  
Q How long have you known Dr Bell?
A. 10 Since I was on duty in Crittenden Hosp'l 2 years and over.  He was then A.A. Surgeon.
Q- Is he a proper person in your opinion to hold the position he now holds?
A- From his associations, I think it would be to 15 the interest of the Gov't to have him dismissed.
Q Is there feud or ill feeling between you and Dr Bell?
A. No Sir.
Q. 21 Did you sign this petition (showing the one sent to Gen'l Howard) on your own personal knowledge of Dr Bells conduct?
A. 23 Yes Sir.