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soon relieved. He may have in a general way, offered money to some one to get Frederick drunk in his presence. I dont think he wanted to bribe anyone to get F. drunk. I supposed he would like to see him drunk to prefer charges against him. 

Q Please state the exact language use on this occasion?
A Dont recollect it sir, paid no particular attention to it, it was uttered in an offhand way, in a public office. Dont remember who was present. Did not consider it of any value, at the time paid no attention to it. 

Q Do you know anything concerning Maj Roberts' actions towards Mrs Bruce?
A No Sir.

Q Do you know that Maj R asked Capt Burke to assist him in having Frederick removed? 
A Heard him say he had a conversation with him about his rights. Did not hear the conversation, know nothing about it.

Q Did you ever see a note from Burke to Roberts? if so, what were the contents? 
A Yes- it said "Frederick would be relieved and sent to his Reg't in a few days. 

Q Do you know of Maj R's keeping a Black List in regard to Gen'l Frederick?

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