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Testimony of Lieut C.H. Frederick 45th U.S.I.
Being duly sworn deposes as follows-
Louisville July 6th 1867.

Q State your name and rank.
A [[note]] 5 [[/note]] Calvin H. Frederick. 1st Lieut 45th U.S.I.

Q Were you ever on duty in Bureau R.F. & A.L.?
A In April 1866 as Lieut Col V.R.C. and Bt. Brig Gen'l Vols. I was ordered to take charge of Louisville Sub Dist. Bureau R.F.& A.L. [[note]] 10 [[/note]] as Supt. I occupied this position until relieved 26th April 1867. In Nov 1866, I had accepted an appointment as 1st Lt U.S.A. I continued on duty according to my Vol rank until Feb 22d 1867, when I received [[note]] 15 [[/note]] notice of my muster out of Vols, to date back to date of my acceptance of appointment in the Regular Army. In the fall I was ordered to go before the examining board for Officers at Chicago. Upon my return [[note]] 20 [[/note]] I by order of the President of the Board reported to Gen'l Thomas. (at least I so construed the order) by Gen'l Thomas I was ordered to report to Bt Maj Gen'l Davis. By Gen'l Davis' order. I was returned to duty [[note]] 25 [[/note]] as Supt Bureau R.F.& A. Lands. Louisville Sub Dist Ky. (My old position) I said to Gen'l Davis at that time "perhaps 1st [[note]] 28 [[/note]] Lt. R.W. Roberts 12th V.R.C. Bt Maj Vols. may