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Q. Did you ever apply to the Asst Com'r to have Bruce relieved?
A. No sir. Nor would have done so unless Capt Brown had complained of him.

Q. Who first spoke of or ordered the discharge of Bruce?
A. Gen'l Ely, Chief Supt, said to me "you had better change your clerk, he is incompetent" Lieut Burnett, also spoke of it saying, "Bruce was a poor penman and unfit for the place."

Q Did you ever receive a verbal or written order to recommend Bruce's discharge, and the appointment of a successor?
A. I received a verbal order accompanied by the remark "that if I did not I would receive a written order" this was from Lieut Burnett A.A.A.Gen'l BRF&AL.

Q Did you obey this order?
A I did.

Q. Did you ever pronounce Gen'l Ely as liar on any occasion, or at any time or place?
A. No sir. But when Bruce informed me that Gen'l Ely said I had recommended and used my influence to procure his discharge, I said there is some mistake, let us go to Gen'l Ely. Bruce would not go. 

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