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Q Did you ever upon any occasion curse Bruce?
A. No sir, or any one else connected with the office.

Q. Are you or have you ever been while an officer in the U.S.A. an Agent for a Swing? 
A. No Sir.

Q Did you ever propose to Bruce to become such an Agent?
A. In my house, in Trenton N.J. I have a friend who is the Patentee of a self operating swing. He requested me when I came to Louisville if I knew any one who would like the agency of such swing, to let him know and he would give him it, and I proposed this to Bruce after his discharge. Knowing he had no other employment. 

Q. Did you ever drink any Govt Whisky in Hosp'l Bureau RF&A. Lands?
A I did twice drink Eggnog once with Dr Bell and once with Dr Bormand at their invitation.

Q Did you ever drink with Mr Bruce?
A Never in Hosp'l but did at his house.

Q Did you ever take any whisky or other liquor from the Hospital?
A No sir, never. 

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