Viewing page 296 of 349

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Q Did she go out alone?
A No Sir.

Q Who went with her?
A I went with her at her invitation to Car Hd Qrs to find her husband. She having her son of 4 or 5 years of age with her.

Q Did you object to her taking her child with her?
A No, but as the night was very cold I advised that he be left behind.

Q Did you find Mr Bruce?
A Did not, and came immediately home

Q Did you make any disparaging remarks upon Mr Bruce?
A I think I said Bruce must be off flirting with some other woman.

Q when did you next see Mrs Bruce?
A Shortly afterwards.

Q Did you make any proposition to her that was dishonorable to her?
A No never.

Q. Did you ever make the proposition to her to leave her husband and go to the country?
A I did say to her in a joking way, when she complained of her husband, that she had better go to the country, not with me however.

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