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have caught you dishabille" but did not touch her dress at all. this in the presence of Mrs McLellan.

Q Did you ever pull Mrs B on your lap, kiss her, or take other liberties with her, with or without her consent
A I did pull Mrs B on my lap in a joking manner, in the presence of others, never kissed her.

Q Did you ever give Mrs Wallace any whisky, and if you did, where did you buy it?
A I did give her two bottles, which I bought at McAdams Grocery.

Q Do you wish to state anything further in explanation of the above?
A The remarks I made to her going into the country, was brought about in this manner, she told me that James had slapped her face very hard, she thinks he had been drinking and she was going to leave him as she could not stand his beating her. 

Lieut L.F. Burnett being duly sworn deposes as follows

Q What is your name age and rank
A. Levi F Burnett. 28. 2d Lieut 36th Us Infty

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