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Lewis A Reynolds, being duly sworn deposes as follows-

Q What is your name, age, and occupation?
A Lewis A Reynolds, age 24 years, clear for Col Johnson V.R.C. Supt Bureau R.F. and A.L. Bowling Green Ky.

Q Are you acquainted with Maj R.W. Roberts, if so how long?
A Yes, since 22d of June 1866.

Q Is your knowledge of him such as to enable you to testify to his character?
A Yes Sir.

Q What is his general character?
A Always considered him a perfect gentleman. I know him intimately, he is not a drinking man, nor does he keep bad company.

Q Do you know Mrs Eliza C Wallace?
A. Yes Sir.

Q What have been your opportunities for knowing Mrs Wallace?
A Good. boarded in her house from 1st of April to 16th of July 1866.

Q From what you know of her, would you believe her under oath?
A No sir. I would not.

Q. Did she have kept women in the house?

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