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Q Did he come to see Mrs Bruce on Christmas Eve?
A Yes.

Q Where did he see her?
A In the dining rooms. Nowhere else.

Q Did he being any whisky and when did he leave?
A Brought no whisky. Left at 9:30 P.M.

Q What passed between Bruce and Maj R concerning his going on the night cars?
A Mr and Mrs Bruce, told me they were both anxious that he should go on them. Mrs Bruce said she could then get a little liberty to go out at night and they should then have a little change. She told me this several times. Maj Roberts said he must not, as they would not allow it at the Bureau. 

Q Do you know anything about Bruce having and using Gov't Whisky?
A He had a jug dont know where he got it.

Q Did Bruce propose Maj R taking a room in their house, but she supposed he would not be satisfied with the way they lived. 
A What do you know of Bruce going to 

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