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Q: Did Dr Bell have anything to do with your delivering lecturing?
A: No sir. I never applied to him for permission, he   simply treated me with professional courtesy. The [[left margin]] 5 [[/left margin]] original permission was given in Sept. and continued until the close of the session. I then called on Dr. Town and Gen'l Davis in regard to delivering popular lectures, to be advertised in the papers. They not only granted the permission, but said they would be obliged to me for so doing, that it would tend to do away with the prejudice against the Hosp'l and popularize it with the community, or words to that effect.
[[left margin]] 15 [[/left margin]]
Q: Did you during your lectures see any Gov't whisky drank in the Hospital?
A: I saw some whiskey, but very little and a part of that was bought by my self, some by Dr Boemund, and some by [[left margin]] 20 [[/left margin]] Cadet Roberts, not a gallon altogether, and I thing not two quarts. I drank Eggnog twice only to see what kind of beverage they were giving the patients


Q: [[left margin]] 25 [[/left margin]] Have you seen Dr. Bell drink any Gov't whisky, and did he ever invite you to do so?
A: Not to my recollection. I think one night when we were [[left margin]] 28 [[/left margin]] sitting up with a man we