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A Because he had no experience in Military Bookkeeping.

Q Was he competent to do the writing in said books, and would you have been willing [[note]] 5 [[/note]] to subject Books kept by him to an inspector, as your records?
A I would not until he had learned how to do the work - he was inexperienced in other words.
Q [[note]] 10 [[/note]] Were you acquainted with Maj Roberts at his home in New Jersey?
A No Sir.
Q Do you know what his general character is there?
A [[note]] 15 [[/note]] I know that he stands well in Trenton N.J. his home.
Q How long have you known Maj Roberts
A Since 15th of June 1866
Q Is your knowledge of him such as to [[note]] 20 [[/note]] justify you in testifying to his general character
A Yes Sir
Q What is his general character for sobriety, integrity and honesty?
A [[note]] 25 [[/note]] I consider it excellent.

Q Have your opportunities for knowing Maj R's private character been good since [[note]] 28 [[/note]] knowing him?