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A Yes Sir.
Q What is his character in that the light?
A Habits good, did not drink to excess. Kept good hours, went to places of amusement with me.
Q What have been your opportunities for knowing the character of James Bruce?
A Know nothing of his private character.
Q Is he a drinking man?
A I have seen him drink some.
Testimony of Mr Walker under oath.
Q What is your name, age, and occupation?
A Thos Walker 57 Years Ass't U.S. Asst
Q Did you sign a petition to Gen'l Howard for the removal of Dr Bell?
A I did.
Q State all you know of your personal knowledge of the are charges against Dr Bell?
A I know nothing of my personal knowledge. Nothing but heresay from Dr Thos Griffith and Mr Love. The latter only spoke of Dr Benson.
Q Do you know Dr Bell? And did you ever visit his Hospital?
A Dont Know Dr Bell, never visited the Hosp'l,

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