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Testimony of Dr De Witt, under oaths. 
Q  What is your name, age, and rank.
A  Wm R. DeWitt Jr., 39 years, Surgeon and Brevet Lieut Col Vols. 
Q 5  On what duty are you at the present date, and when were you assigned to said duty?
A  Surgeon in Chief Bureau R.F. & A Lands State of Ky, Assigned to duty Mch 15" 67.
Q 10  When was Dr R.A. Bell first assigned to duty as Surgeon in Charge of Hosp'l Bureau R.F. & A.L. Louisville Ky?
A  The records of the office show that he was assigned to duty as Surgeon in charge by order of Dr F.L. Town, Maj [[left margin]] 15 [[/left margin]] & Asst Surg U.S.A. dated March 14th 1867. (Copy of order named produced) Exhibit "A"
Q  When was this order delivered, to Dr Bell?
A  Not at that time, think it must have been days after.
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Q  On what duty, as shown by the records of the Office was Dr Bell previous to issue of said order?
A  Circular No 4, Bureau RF and A Lands A.C.O. state of Ky, 17th of June 1866, issued by order of Bt Maj Gen'l [[left margin]] 25 [[/left margin]] J.C. Davis, assigns Dr Bell to duty as Ass't to Bvt Maj T.L. Town then surgeon in charge of 
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