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It is of such a character;
Q What is his character?
A His character is the very best. I thought his long continuance in the Service [[left margin]] 5 [[/left margin]] sufficient guarantee. Never Knew him, to drink a drop of liquor as a beverage. His professional reputation is Excellent. Never saw him associating with rebels. On whole I think Dr Bell one of the [[left margin]] 10 [[/left margin]] best men we Ever had in the service.

Testimony of Dr J.S. Lytton, Recalled and sworn for the defense.
Q You see this petition, did you sign the same?
A [[left margin]] 15 [[/left margin]] Yes Sir.

Q Do you know anything of your on personal knowledge of the charges against Dr Bell, contained in said petition, and if so what? please state [[left margin]] 20 [[/left margin] fully.
A  The fact of Dr Benson's lecturing here I knew, but did not know by whose authority. I supposed the Surgeon in [[left margin]] 24 [[/left margin]] Charge & Supposed Dr Bell was in charge.

Transcription Notes:
completed truncated word and replaced + with & and removed pipes - this is not a table