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I never visited the Hosp'l myself. but knew this through the assertions of others and the public press. I consider this personal knowledge, That is all I know

Q|[[note]] 5 [[/note]] Have you ever been invited to visit the Hosp'l and if so by whom and how often?
A|No sir I have not. cant state positively. casually as we met Dr Bell may have said, come up and see us or see the Hosp'l [[note]] 10 [[/note]] but not freely — May have also invited T.J. Griffith M.D. in the same way.

Q|Have you ever seen Dr. Bell in close consultation with Rebels?
A No Sir.

Q| [note]] 15 [[/note]] Did you sign this petition for the reason stated above?
A|I heard of the Rebel Doctors lecturing and cadets being in the Hosp'l and I therefore signed the petition.

Q|[[note]] 20 [[/note]] Have you heard the Griffiths use bad language toward Dr. Bell?
A|No Sir.

Q|Have not your friends asked for you, or you sought a position in the Bureau [[note]] 25 [[/note]] in this City?
A|No Sir, most emphatically no. If my friends even sought it the same was [[note]] 28 [[/note]] without my knowledge or consent.