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further from him on that subject.
Q Did you ever tell Kennedy that the entire action for Bruce's discharge came from the Office he (Bruce) was in? And that you had no fault to find with him?
A. No
Q. Do you know Maj R.W. Roberts?
A yes, and have for about two years.
Q What is his character for sobriety & integrity?
A. Good.
Q. Where you present on a certain occasion when a pipe was presented to Surgeon F.L. Town? And if so, was any whisky drank by any person in the room?
A I was present, happened to be at the Hospital on official business. Knew nothing of the presentation until a few moments before it took place. Dr Bell invited me into his office just as the presentation speech was being made by Dr De Witt. I saw no whisky drank, there was none in the room that I saw. And no person was invited to drink. 
Q. Was Dr Benson present
A No.


Transcription Notes:
completed all truncated words and replaced + with &