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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 5th 18679 #281. * | Alabama H. Swayne. Gen'l. file. | Montgomery June 1st 1867. Reports that Mr. P. Burton, who wrote the newspaper article enclosed in letter of the 27th ult. has been discharged. |

| June 6th 1867 #282. | Arkansas. C.H. Smith Col. | Little Rock May 31st '67 Recommends appointment of Adolph Glasshoff. as clerk at $100 per month salary. |

| June 7th 1867 #283 * | Alvord J.W. Rev. Genl Supt of Education  See B100. & A317. Vol 10. June 11th Enclosed with B#100. Vol 10 1867. | Washington  June 7th 1867. Forwards letter of J.B. Bryant who makes a lengthy statement in reference to educational movements in Georgia. and explains the cause of some want of harmony now existing. Has endeavored to work harmoniously with Mr Eberhart but candidly expresses the opinion that he is an unfit man for the place. and that the schools will not reach the full measures of success under his management. With remark "There are some reasons why a change of Superintendent in Georgia. would be advisable." |

| June 8th 1867 #284 * | Alabama.  W. Swayne Gen'l. file. | Montgomery. Ala June 4th 1867. Acknowledges receipt of the "Temperance Circular" and has taken means to promot this cause among the freedmen under his charge. |