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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 10th 1867. #285 * | Arkansas C. H. Smith. Col. file. School rep't to Mr Alvord. | Little Rock. May 25th 1867. Forwards monthly report of operations of Bureau affairs for the of April 1867. Also report of Refugees. Freedmen. Schools. and Changes in Roster of Officers for April. 1867. | 

| June 10th 1867 #286 * | Am. Miss. Association J.R. Shipherd. Sec. file. | Chicago. Ills. June 6th 1867. Forwards an article thought to be written by Mr. Wheelock. with comments by a gentleman conversant with all the facts. States that "I have on file evidence that Mr. Wheelock's recent official reports are not more accurate then this article." | 

| June 10th 1867 #287. | Am. Miss. Association Geo Whipple. Sec. June 12th Referred to Genl Balloch C.S.O. June 4th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p.283. Vol 3. | New York. June 8th 1867. Inquires whether the money appropriated for the establishment of a Normal School at Atlanta. Ga. and Nashville. Tenn. or a part of it cannot be passed to the Am. Miss. Association at once for that purpose. Gives three reasons for the request and encloses the "Act of Incorporation" of said Association. | 

| June 10th, 1867. #288. | Augusto A.T. June 10th Referred to Asst. Com'r of Ga. June 25th Rec'd back with report. | Washington. June 10th, 1867. Requests that his Postage account be paid. | 

| June 6th, 1867. #289. | Alabama W. Swayne. Gen'l. file. | Montgomery June 3d Forwards report of Refugees. Freedmen. and Changes in Officers and Civilians. for the month of April. 1867. |

| June 7th 1867 #290 * | Allen Chas J. See S373. Vol 10. See L.B. June 7th 1867. file. Appointed June 7th 1867. see S.O. June 7" Transportation returned to C.Q.M. for cancellation June 10" 1867. | Washington June 7" 1867 Requests a position as clerk in S.C. Favorably endorsed by the Asst. Com'r. of S.C. |

| June 8th 1867 #291. * | Armies of U.S. Geo. K. Leet. A.A. Gen'l. file. | Washington June 8" 1867. Returns letter of the Com'r. dated June 3d 1867. asking for the detail of twenty officers. for duty in the Freedmen's Bureau in addition to present force. With remark. "So many officers are required for duty under the reconstruction laws in the Southern States that none are available for duty in the Freedmen's Bureau at present." |

| June 10th, 1867 #292. Adjt Genls Office. E.D. Townsend A.A.G. June 12th Referred to Asst. Comr. of Ga. for the report. June 24th Rec'd back with a report. E.B p 310. Vol 3. | Washington June 6th, 1867. Refers for remarks communication of Bvt. Brig. Genl A.B. Clitz Col. 6th Infantry. States that 1sr Lt. Walbridge [[?]] reports by letter May 15th, 1867. and stated that he has been ordered to remain on duty in Freedmen's Bureau until further orders. Endorsed by Genl D.E. Sickles requesting that this officer may be ordered to report for duty with his regiment at Charleston. S.C. With the remark "This officer returned from his regiment as soon as other arrangements can be made [[?]] him."