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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 5th 1867 #328. * | Adjt. Genls Office E.D. Townsend A.A.G. Original file. July 6th Official copies forwarded to the Asst. Comr. of S.C. also to C.M.O., C.D.O., C.Q.M. & Maj. Fowler. | Washington July 1" 1867. Refers copy of telegram from Maj. Genl D.E. Sickles stating that the mail which should have reached there on the 23d ult. has been destroyed by an accident on the Wilmington & Manchester R.R. The Postmaster of Washington says that the mail referred to as having been destroyed contained the matter which left this city on the morning & evening of 21st ultimo. |

| July 6th 1867. #329 | Alabama W. Swayne Gen'l. See L B July 8th 1867. July 8th Returned with appointment as requested. | Montgomery July 28 1867. Requests that Mr Dallas B. Smith be appointed a clerk at a salary of $10.00 per month from June 28th 1867. | 

| July 6th 1867 #330 | Arkansas C.A. Smith. Col. See L.B. July 1st 1867 July 8" Returned with letter revoking this appointment enclosed as requested. | Little Rock. June 28" 1867. Recommends that the appointment of Albert A. Wright as clerk be revoked to date June 1st 1867. |

| July 6th 1867 #331. | Am. Miss. Association. Geo. Whipple Cor Sec'y E.B. p 340. Vol 3. | N. York City. June 29th 1867. Requests that Mr. G.L. Eberhart. Supt of Ed. Ga. be ordered to N.Y. City to consult with the officers of the Association for the purpose of perfecting arrangements for the future education of the freedmen of that state. |

| July 6th 1867 #332. * | Am. Miss. Association Geo. Whipple Cor. Sec'y July 8th Referred to Asst. Com'r. of Ga. for remarks. July 22d Rec'd back with report. file. | New York City. July 2d & 4th 1867. States that the best school of the Association is at Atlanta Ga. which would be very suitable for a Normal Academy if buildings for the accomedation of pupils from other places could be obtained. Requests that this Bureau expend $2000.00 in [[?]] found out of these buildings [[?]], and hold them as Bureau property until the State legislature meets in Oct. to incoperate said academy. [[?]] answer desired. | 

| July 5th 1867 #333 * | Arkansas C.A. Smith. Col: Telegram file. | Little Rock July 3d 1867. Forwarded statistical report of schools in June 17th & duplicate on date. | 

| July 8th 1867. #334. | Adjt. Genls Office. R. Williams. A.A. Gen'l. see G#189. Vol 10. July 8th Transmitted to Lieut Hoag thro A.C. of Ga. | Washington July 2d 1867 In reply to letter of Lieut J.M. Hoag 44th Infty. forwarding vouchers from commutation of fuel & quarters. States that the same has been referred to Maj. H.M. Wharton. Recruiting Officer at Baltimore. Md. with instructions to pay the same, if found correct. |

| July 8th 1867. #335. | Arkansas C.A. Smith. Col. See L.B July 9th 1867. July 9th Returned with appointment enclosed. | Little Rock. June 22d 1867. Recommends appointment of E.M. Main as Clerk as a salary of $75.00 per month from June 18th 1867. |