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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 6th 1867.  #336 * | Alabama  W. Swayne Genl.  See A 340.Vol 11. Telegram  file. | Montgomery  July 6" 1867  "Will receive Nettleton's contract in full. Sorry to have made you any trouble." |

| July 9th 1867  #337 | Adjt. Genls. Office.  E.D. Townsend A.A. Genl.  See A 370. Vol 11.  E.B. p 349. Vol 3. | Washington  July 2d 1867  Refers for remarks communication of Lieut Jas. H. Pederson 7" Infty enclosing certificate of disability & requests leave of absence for sixty days. |

| July 10th 1867.  #338 * | Adjt. Genls. Office.  E.D. Townsend A.A.G.  See A 506. Vol 11.  See H 111. Vol 13.  E.B. p 352. Vol 3. Duplicates received from A.G.O. Aug 6th 1867. Aug 10th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p 432. Vol 3. Received back Aug 15th EB p 443. Aug 21. Filed. | Washington  July 7th 1867.  Refers for remarks letter of H.C. Howard Supt. of Dist Ky., stating that Lieut T.J. Elliott 22" Infty while Agent of B.R.F. & A.L. for Bourbon Co. Ky. collected $138.30, half of which has been deducted from his salary as Supt. Asks that $69.15 be retained out of Lieut. Elliott's pay to reimburse him. Enclosed herewith the report of Lieut. Elliott & letters of A.G.O. to Lieut. Elliott & replies thereto. |

| July 10th 1867  #339. | Alabama  W. Swayne. Genl.  See A.323.368.  E.B. p 356. Vol 3. | Montgomery  July 6" 1867  Acknowledges receipt of letter of 2d inst. in reference to the transfer of Mr Webb to Mobile to act as Supt of Schools &c. States that he has knowledge of Mr Webb, thinks it would be better, and more satisfactory to the Freedmen to send D. Gray who he knows to be a good man. |

| July 10th 1867.  #340. * | Alabama.  W. Swayne. Genl.  See A 336. Vol 10.  See L.B. July 10th 1867.  file. | Montgomery  July 6th 1867  In reply to telegram of the 5th inst. referring to the contract with Mr Nettleton, states that Major Browning will inspect and [[?]] the meat referred to. |

| July 10th 1867. #341 * | Adjt. Genls. Office.  T.M. Vincent A.A.G.  E.B p 352. Vol 3.  A report of Genl Mower filed in "A" | Washington  July 6" 1867.  Refers for remarks application of Capt. R.B. Brown V.R.C. for an immediate transfer out of U.S. Service under G.O. 155 1865. |

| July 11th 1867.  #342 * | Arkansas  C.H. Smith. Col.  Schools reports to Mr Alvord. | Little Rock  June 25" 67  Forwards report of operations of Bureau affairs also of Refugees, Freedmen Schools duplicate, and roster of Officers & Civilians for the month of May 1867. |

| July 11th 1867  #343 * | Arkansas  C.H. Smith. Col.  file. | Little Rock  July 3d 1867  Forwards letter of W.W. Granger, Surveyor &c. enclosing letter from J.S. Wilson Comr of U.S. Genl. Land Office relative to affidavit being made by parties in one District, desires to enter land in another Dist. before the Clerk of the County Court in which they reside instead of before the Register of the land office of the Dist. in which the land is situated as they must do under the present law, thus discouraging emigration & settlement of the public lands. Suggests that the attention of Congress be called to the fact, & the necessary action be obtained. To prevent frauds a condition might be made that an entry so made should be forfeited if after six months it be shown that said entry was not followed by actual settlement. |