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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 16th 1867. #353. | Alabama W. Swayne. Genl E.B. p 372. Vol 3. | Montgomery Ala. July 12th 1867. Forwards letter of A. D. Pellicer, Dir of Cath Asylum of Mobile requesting aid of Gov't for rations to sustain the life of 232 Orphans inmates of the Catholic Asylum. With the recommendation that authority be granted to issue the refugee ration to the inmates of this Asylum for three months commencing with July 1" 1867. | 

| July 16th 1867 #354. | Alabama W. Swayne. Genl. see L.B. July 17th 1867. July 17th Returned with appointments enclosed as requested. | Montgomery Ala July 12th 1867. Requests that J.B. Healy be appointed an Agent at a salary of $30 per month, also W.W Hammell be appointed a Clerk at a salary of $125. per month. |

| July 17th 1867. #355. | Adjt. Genl's Office. T.M. Vincent A.A.G. see A. 371. E.B p 370 Vol 3. Aug. 1st. Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 408 Vol 3. | Washington D.C. July 6th 1867 Refers letter of Lt. Col. Geo. H. Schayer. V.R.C., stating that he having received leave of absence for sixty days with permission to apply for extension. applies for the same (30 days extension) also permission to visit Prussia. Europe. address Care of N. Weyl Esq. 726. Chestnut St. Philadelphia. Pa. For information as to whether the services of this officer in Freedmen's Bureau can be dispensed with.  |

| July 17th 1867 #356 | Adjt. Genl's. Office. T.M. Vincent. A.A.G. see W 167. Vol 10: see G 358. Vol 8. see A 385 Vol 10: see A 477 Vol 11 & P95 Vol 11 & W 273. Vol 11. Enclosed with W 167 Vol 4, see E.B. p 368. Vol 3 | Washington D C July 16th 1867. Returns letter of Genl Howard of 13th inst requesting to be informed the address of Nelson Bronson late Lieut. V.R.C. was mustered out of V.R.C. & received appointment in regular army. With information that Lt. Bronson 42d Infty is on duty at Fort Niagara, N.Y. |  

| July 13th 1867 #357 | Adjt. Genl's. Office. E.D. Townsend A. A. Genls. E.B. p. 371. Vol 3. July 29th. Rec'd. back for action. E.B. p. 396. Vol 3. | Washington July 13th 1867 Refers for remarks, communication of L.B. Metcalf & others Directors of the Natchez Orphan Asylum stating that their institution has been in operation for more than 30 years under state charter & wholly supported by charity & owing to the impoverished condition of the country & increase of applicants, their resources are exhausted. Requests assistance from the Govt. Endorsed by Gen'l. Gillem, recommending the issue of rations may be made to this institution until Jan'y. 1867 & approved by Gen'l. E.O.C. Ord. also, Endorsed by the Comsy. Gen'l. of Subsistence. stating the only way to meet this want is under Public Resolution No. [[?]] published in G.O. #37. A G.O. 1867.  |

| July 18th 1867. #358. | Adjt. Genl's. Office. T.M. Vincent. A.A.G. July 20th Referred to Asst. Com'r. of Va. for remarks - Sept 2d Rec'd back with report. E.B p. 495 Vol 3. Sept. 6th. Letter from A.G.O. date Septs 67 notifying Capt. Sharp that the tender of his resignation is disapproved, his services being required. | Washington July 17th 1867. Refers for remarks, communication of Capt. J.W. Sharp. V.R.C. tendering his resignation. |   

| July 18th 1867 #359. | Arkansas Lt. Jno. E. Bennett. A.A.A.G. See P.L. B. July 18th. July 18th. Approved & referred to C.Q.M. for file. The Asst. Com'r. of Ark. has been informed of this reference. | Little Rock July 8th 1867. Forwards proceedings of a board of Officers approved by the Asst. Com'r to fix the rent of a room at that place to be used as a store room at $30.00 per month. |   

| July 18th 1867. #360. | Arkansas Jno. E. Bennett Lt & A.A.A.G. See. L. B. July 18th 1867 July 18. July 18th. Returned with letter of revocation enclosed as requested.| Little Rock. July 9th 1867. Requested that the appointment of J.G. Townsend Clerk be revoked to date June 30th 1867. |   

Transcription Notes:
Incomplete - needs work on second page. please review first page for spelling. TY.-k