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| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 18th 1867 #361. | Arkansas Lt. Jno E. Bennett A.A.A.G. See L.B. July 18th 1867. July 18th Returned with letter of revocation of the appointment of Mr. Treadwell & the appointment of Mr. Farmin. | Little Rock July 9th 1867. Requests that the appointment of G.A. Treadwell, Clerk be revoked to date June 30th 1867, and that Mr. Arlow Farmin be appointed clerk at a salary of $100.00 per month from July 1st 1867. |

| July 18th 1867 #362 | Arkansas Lt. Jno E. Bennett file. | Little Rock July 9th 1867. Forwards roster of Officers. Civilians Agents & Clerks employed in Dist. of Ark. - July 1st 1867. | 

| July 19th 1867. #363 | Adjt. Genl's. Office. E.D. Townsend A.A.Gen'l. See T239 Vol 10. July 19th Transmitted to Genl W.P. Carlin Asst Comr of Tenn. | Washington July 17th 1867 Referring to the application of Maj Genl W.P. Carlin for the detail of Lieut Wm Gray 41st Infty for duty in the Freedmen's Bureau. States that Mr Gray failed to pass a satisfactory examination & therefore is not an officer of the Army. |

| July 19th 1867 #364 | Arkansas Jno E. Bennett A.A.A.G. To Mr Alvord. | Little Rock. July 12th 1867. Forwards Statistical report of Schools for the month of June 1867. |

|  July 19th 1867 #365 * | Alvord J.W. Genl. Supt. of Education. see K82. Vol 10. file. | Washington  July 18th 1867 Forwards letter of Chap T.K. Noble Supt of Ed for Ky stating that different societies have applied to have him spend a portion of the summer vacation in presenting freedmen's claim in the North, that the number of teacher to be employed, depends on the am't of money raised by such appeals, &c |

| July 16th 1867 #366. * | Am. Miss. Association Jno A. Rockwell. Agent. See P.L.B. July 22d 1867 file. | Macon. Ga. July 12th 1867 Requests that, should any change be made in the Supt of Education, that Bt Brig Gen'l Jno. R. Lewis be appointed to perform the duties of that office. | 

| July - 1867 #367 * | Alvord J.W. Genl Supt of Schools. file. | Washington July - 1867. Forwards consolidated report of schools for the month of May 1867. | 

| July 23d 1867 #368 * | Arkansas J.E. Bennett Lt. A.A.A.Genl. See A323.339. filed with A323. Vol 10. | Little Rock, July 15th 1867. Referring to the proposed transfer of Mr. J.B. Webb Agent to the state of Alabama. states that he knows of no objections thereto. |

| July 24th 1867. #369 | Am. Miss. Association Geo R. Whipple Cor. Sec. July 25th Referred to Asst Com'r of Va. Aug 14th Rec'd back with report. EB 445-Vol 3. | New York City. July 22d 1867. Requests that the Bureau of Refugees &c., transfer to the Association the 2 hospital wards on the main road nearly opposite the Tyler house, at Fortress, Monroe. Va. for educational purposes. | 

| July 24th 1867 #370 | Adjt Genl's Office. E.D. Townsend. A.A.G. see A337. Vol 10. July 24th Transmitted. | Washington D.C. July 20th 1867. Encloses to Genl S Burbank a copy of an S.O. extending the leave of absence of Lt J.A. Rice 44th Infty ninty days on Surgeons certificate of disability, & directing Genl Burbank to detail an officer from his regiment to replace Lt Rice. |