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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 13th 1867 #406. | Am. Miss Association. J.R. Shipherd. Sec. See S 21. Vol 12. See EB page 438 Vol 3. | Chicago. Ills. Aug 10th 1867. Asks an appropriation of $500.00 towards the cost of a school building at Topeka, Kansas. |

| August 8th #407. * | Arkansas C.H. Smith Asst Comr file | Little Rock Aug 1st. Replies to comm. of 22d ult in reference to the names of certain Clerks not appearing on the Roster. |

| August 8th 1867 #408. * | Adjt Generals Office E D Townsend. file See LB July 26th Copy sent Genl Mower Aug 10th | Washington DC Aug 7th Informes, that the General in Chief has directed that the order instructing Maj Ewing to join his regiment remains in force. |

| Aug 13th 1867 #409. * | Adams Saml. Bvt Maj & C.M.O Texas file Copy furnished A.G.O Aug 13th | Galveston Texas Aug 5th 67 Makes personal report and reports death of Col Taylor on 5th inst. |

| Aug 15th 1867 #410. | Arkansas C H Smith Aug 15th Referred to CQM Recd back Aug 19th with report - EB [ 455. Vol 3. | Little Rock Ark Aug 9th 67 Forwards approved vouchers for transportation of Alfred White and five (5) others, teachers of freedmen amounting to $118.65. |

| Aug 15th 1867 #411. * | Arkansas C.H. Smith See LB July 31st file | Little Rock Aug 10 Returns letter of July 31st relative to the claim of W H Reid for services as clerk, and J P Page for rent of office. States that the vouchers have never been received back. Has directed that new ones be made and forwarded. |

| Aug 15th 1867 #412. | Arkansas C H Smith P 177 enclosed herewith | Little Rock August 9th Acknowleges receipt of the Comr's note of 31st ult. Thinks it well to use Genl Gantt so long as he exerts his influence in the right way. Waites further with regard to the condition of affairs. Requests that Maj Sweeney be detailed for duty in the Bureau &c |

| August 11th 67 #413. * | Alabama O D Kinsman file See LB August 13th 1867 | Montgomery Ala August 6t 67 Returns eleven (11) appointments for correction |

| August 16th 67 #414 | Adjutant Generals Office E D Townsend See C269. K185. Vol 10. See V332. Vol 11. A511 Vol 11. | Washington DC August 13 '67 Requests to be informed if the following named officers can be spared from Bureau duty, they being much needed with their regiments Capt R E Johnston 43 U.S. Infantry Capt G Mallery 43 U.S. Infantry 1st Lt. W W Rogers 43 U.S. Infantry | 

| August 17th 1867 #415. * | Am Miss. Assc'n. J R Shipherd Secy. filed. See LB Vol III. Aug. 20th | Chicago Aug 13th Would be pleased to receive definite instructions from the Comr. that his request for the transfer of J B Webb from Little Rock to Mobile has been favorably considered. |

| Aug 17th 1867 #416. | Am. Miss Assc'n. J R Shipherd. See A461. Vol 11. Aug 20 Referred to CDO for remarks. | Chicago Ills Aug 13th 67 Asks an appropriation of $800. toward completion of school building at Fulton NC. |