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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 17th 1867 #417 * | Alabama S.C. Green A.A.A. Gen  filed | Montgomery Ala  Aug 9th 67  Transmits morning report of registration for 9th 10 & 12th and 13th | 

| August 19th 67  #418. * | Arkansas C.H. Smith  Aug 21. filed | Little Rock Aug 10' Forwards request of Maj Sweeney that he be relieved of duty in the Bureau having rcd an appt. in the regular army.  States that there is no other officer available and requests the retention of Lt. Sweeney |

| August 19th 67 #419 | Arkansas C.H. Smith Aug 20 R.H. to J.B. Jones inviting attention to enclosed copy of letter written to him July 25th 1867 - | Little Rock Aug 13th 67  Forwards comm of J.B. Jones who states that the has been an Agent for some time at Fort Gibson but has received no instructions and has no means of doing anything for the freedmen.  States that the Cholera is raging there  The Asst Comr's jurisdiction does not extend our Indian Territory |
[[note]] Aug 20 Retd. to J.B. Jones inviting attention to enclosed copy of letters written to him July 25th 1867. [[/note]]

| August 19th 67  #20 | Alabama OD Kaiserman  filed | Montgomery Ala. Aug 14  Transmits ration report of refugees & freedmen and Roster of officers & civilians for July |

| Aug 19th 67  #421 | Arkansas CH Smith  filed  School report to Mr Alvord. | Little Rock Aug 13th 67  Transmits statistical report of schools for month of July and roster of officers and civilian Agents for July |

| Aug 20 1867 #422 | Adjutant Genl. U.S.A. ED Townsend, Ast. G.  EB page 457. | Washington DC Aug 17th 67  Gives authority to Col Willard now out of service to sign voucher with the services as a witness of CM Calhoun of Greenwood S.C. before Military Commission. |

| August 20, 1867  #423 * | Armies of the U.S. F.T. Dent A.D.C  filed | Washington DC  Aug 25  Refers for the information of the Commissioned letter of Genl. E.O.C Ord enclosing one from General Gillum regarding affairs in Mississippi | 

| August 21, 1867 #424. | Alabama O.D. Kinsman, Agent.  Aug. 22d "Respectfully forwarded. approved." | Montgomery August 17, 1867  Forwards approved application of Lieut. Joseph Logan, A.A.QmM. at Mobile, to be relieved from duty and mustered out of service. |

| August 21, 1867  #425 | Alabama O.D. Kinsman, Agent.  Aug. 22d. "Returned, with revocation and appointment enclosed as requested."  | Montgomery, August 17, 1867.  Forwards approval, application of 1st Lieutenant P.E. O'Connor, A.A.Q.M. at Demopolis, at for the appointment of Thomas O'Connor, as Clerk in this Bureau to date from Aug. 10, 1867., vice C.C. Clemons resigned. |

| August 19" 1867  #426 * | Arkansas  C.H. Smith, B.B.G., & Asst Commissioner See E.B. 338. Vol III., 1867.  File. | Little Rock, August 12th 1867.  Returns memorandum of Mrs. Rudlige of Falls Church Va., requesting information for one Elizabeth Ashley (Colored), with report of Lieut. Fred. W. Thibaut, Sub Asst Commr at Washington Ark that nothing can be ascertained respecting said woman, no one of that name being known in the county. |

See EB 338 Vol. III 1867. File.