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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 23d 1867 #143 * | Brown W.W. see K #71, Vol. 10 K 70 filed herewith file. | Bellefonte Pa. July 20th 1867. Renews his application for a position in this Bureau.|
| July 23d 1867 #144 | Bryant, J.E. Editor of "Loyal Georgian" | Augusta Ga. June 10th 1867. Earnestly recommends Mr. Jacob R. Davis for appointment as Agent of the Bureau of Refugees &c. |
[[note]] July 23d Returned with the information that Mr. Davisons appointed from this office June 6th 1867. [[/note]]
| July 24th 1867. #145. * | Butler Kemp. T. | Raleigh N.C., July 22d 1867. States that he has been elected Treasurer of the St Augustine Normal Collegiate Institution, and requests that any funds therefor he transferred to him, &c &c. |
[[note]] July 24th Referred to Genl Balloch. C.D.O. Rec'd back. Aug 3d 174. W.G.P. [[/note]]
| July 24th #146 | Butler B.F. Hon. M.C. | Washington July 22d 1867 Forwards statement of a/c of the "Chesapeake Female College," against the Freedmen's Bureau for rent of College buildings used by this Bureau from June 1st to Oct 1st 1866 4 months amounting to $1400.00 States that ½ said property being owned by disloyal persons, ½ said rent can be retained, by the Bureau, but that the other ½ is justly due the loyal owners of whom he is one. |
[[note]] July 24th Referred to Asst. Commr. Va. for report. Aug 14th Rec'd back with report. EB 447 Vol 3 Sept. 30 Recd back with report......Oct 14th Rec'd. back with report. E.B. 40 Vol 4. [[/note]]

[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| July 24th 1867. #147 | Butler B.F. M.C. | Washington July 22d 1867 Forwards papers relative to the claim of Joseph Segar of Va., against the Bureau of Refugees, &c., comprising (1st) Copy of the award of Mr. Fowler, Drew Segar for the rent of his plantation, dated Jan 17th 1867. (2d) Letter of Hon B.F. Butler to the Comr of the Bureau, respecting said claim favorably endorsed by Messrs. Thad Stevens & Jno. C. Underwood & a copy of same letter favorably endorsed by Hon Henry Wilson, U.S. Senator (April 23d 1867) (3d) A personal note from Genl. O. Brown to the owners (May 27" 1867); (4th) A letter from Madegan to Mr Butler July 11th 1867; (5th) Claim of Jos Segar, enclosing affidavit of Chas. W. Hickman Esq. (July 20th 1867)
| July 25th 1867 #148 | Bond Isaac. | Washington July 24th 1867. Inquires on behalf of John Edmunds, (Colored) for the present condition & whereabouts of his sister Elizabeth who was living about two years ago with a Mr. Brown in or near Lynchburg, Va. Also asks if this Bureau cannot transport said Elizabeth at Washington D.C. at her brothers expense &c. |  
[[note]] E.B. p. 385 Vol 3, Aug 5th Rec back with report, E.B.p. 15. Vol 3. [[/note]]
| July 24th 1867 #149 * | Blankman J.B. Mrs. see B 136. Vol 1. | Washington July 23d 1867 Acknowledges receipt of note in reply letter presented by her son & requests the influence of Com'r in another direction. |