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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 27th #150| Bruce James | Louisville Ky. July 24th 1867 Asks that he be made acquainted with the result of the case of Major Roberts & Dr. Bell. Thinks that Genl. Runkle shows partiality to Maj Roberts in the investigation. Is unsatisfied as to whether his evidence is exactly in shop or has been faithfully transacted or that Genl Elgin has been taken, &c. | 

[[note]] see B 109.  see P.L.B. July 27th 1867. E.B. p. 391 Vol. 3. Augt. 4th Recd back with report E.B. p. 425 V. 3. [[/note]]

| July 29th 1867. #151 | Botts Henry | July 23d 1867 States that he has a movement for supplying educational appliances for the south, furnishing select portions of the Bible &c Asks the Comr's  counsel on the matter. |
[[note]] see B 153. July 29th Referred to Mr Alvord Genl. Supt. of Schools. [[/note]]
| July 31st 1867 #152 * | Benson E.M. | Washington July 24th 1867. Application for a good position in this Bureau. | 
[[note]] See P.L.B. July 27th 1867. file. [[/note]]
| July 29th 1867. #153 * | Botts, Henry see B 141. filed. | Norwalk, Conn. July 24th 1867. Referring to his letter of the 23d inst inquires whether the sedge of Long Island grows on the sea cost of the Southern states as the paper used in making his scripture cards is sedge paper, & if it grows there & anyone will devote $1000.00 to starting an enterprize there, a printing & papermaking house can be established in the south, and offers work to freedmen in great numbers, &c, &c. | 

| July 31st 1867 #154 | Brown J.M. Bt. Maj. & A.Q.M. | Washington July 30th 1867 Forwards list of Clerks employed in his office in the month of July 1867. |
[[note]] July 31st Referred to Asst Comr of D.C. [[/note]]
| Aug 2d 1867 #155 | Balloch Geo. W. Genl and C.D.O. | Washington Aug 1st 1867. Forwards for action, letter Lt. Chas. Garrettson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. for Texas, who wishes to know whether Agents or S.A. Com'r of the Bureau on leave of absence is entitled to pay during his absence. | 
[[note]] E.B. p. 411 Vol. 3. [[/note]]
| Aug 2d 1867 #156 * | Bondwell, F.W. | Jacksonville, Fla. July 18th 1867. Encloses duplicate copy of statement forwarded to Genl Pope by himself & two others, Committee &c. appointment in Convention to examine into acts of injustice to loyal Citizens. Calls attention to the fact of money being appropriated from state Treasury for paying interests on $30,000 debt contracted by the Confederacy, also appropriation for benefit of widows & orphans of Confederate Soldiers ($65,000) & in Hillsboro Co., the payment of $2200. to a Captain for normal service never performed as Soldier in Confederate Court &c, Large taxes are to be collected to pay these appropriations. Gives cases where freedmen are individually wronged &c. Requests an investigation of affairs. | 
[[note]] E.B.p. 410, Vol 3. August 20 Recd. back with report. E.B. 462. Vol III. Sept. 3d Rec'd back with report. file [[/note]]
| July 30th 1867. #157 * | Brown A.K. Solicitor &c file. | Washington July 30th 1867. States that he has an order from Chief Justice Crabtree for the release of James Dixon, on his (Brown) recognizance.