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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| July 27th 1867. #158 * | Boyer, John N. File. | Plattville Ill July 22d 1867 Applies for position as clerk. |

| Aug 3rd 1867. #159 | Brown, J.A., Pastor &c.  Aug 3rd Referred to Asst Comr of S.C. | West Liberty W. Va., Aug 1" 1867. Requests to be furnished, with a servant, white, or black, also the address of Genl Miles, Asst. Comr of N.C. |

| Aug 5th 1867. #160 * | Beaman F.C. N.C. See P.L. B. Aug 7th 1867. file. | Adrian, Mich., Aug 1" 1867.  Recommends Mrs Laura Haveland for an appointment in the Missionary service of the Bureau. |

| Aug 5th 1867. #161 * | Bryant M. Capt. Comd'g. Post. See L.B. Sept 10th 1867.  Aug 6th Referred to Asst Comm of Ark. to do all in his power in these cases. Sept 9th Rec'd back with report file | Ft. Gibson, In. Terrt. July 25th 1867. States that there are a large number of destitute Freedmen in that vicinity who would starve unless he issued to them rations, which he has been doing on his own responsibility. Suggests that steps be taken to feed them. |

| Aug 2d 1867. #162 * | Bullis John L. See P.L.B. Aug 2d 1867. file. | Walldon N.Y. July 30th 1867. Application for a  position as clerk. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 5th 1867 #163 | Blackmore Joseph A. Agent Aug 6th Referred to Asst. Comr. of Tenn. | Trenton, Tenn. Augt 1 1867. Resigns his position as Asst. Sub Asst. Comr. on account of feeble health & inability to ride to the other counties. |

| Aug 7th 1867 #164 * | Barnes Stuart See S 394 file | New Haven Aug 6th 1867. Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 23d ult., Is now sick & unable leave his bed & cannot examine his papers. Will give the matter attention & come to Washington to settle his accounts & will see Genl Howard. |

| Aug 7th 1867 #165 | Brandon D.W. E. B p. 421 Vol 3. | New Orleans Aug 1" 1867. Application for reappointment, in the Bureau at New Orleans Gives a statement of his service &c and encloses recommendations, &c. |

| Aug 8th 1867 #166 | Bingham D.H. Register of Bankruptcy. 
Aug 12th Referred to A.C. of Ala., who will please remedy the evils complained of as far as possible if they are found as related. | Athens, Ala. Aug 3d 1867. Writes to the Com'r at length, in references to Freedmen's affairs crops &c, in that portion of Alabama. |

| Aug 9th 1867 #167 | Burnham R.A. Miss. Aug 9th Referred to S.W. Alvord Genl. Supt. of Ed. who will please answer this communication. | Essex Mass Aug 6th 1867. States that she has taught a white school school in the south & has become deeply interested in both white, & black, & desires a situation as teacher of a white or colored school. |