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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 31st 1867.  #235½ | Columbia Dist.  C.H. Howard. Genl.  July 31st. Referred to Genl Balloch C.C.S. Aug 3d Rec'd back. EB pp.411.Vol 3. | Washington  July 30th 1867.  Forwards estimate of rations required for issue to dependent freedpeople in his Dist during August 1867. |

| July 31st 1867.  #236. | Columbia Dist.  C.H. Howard. Gen'l.  July 31" Resp't. forwarded to Comsy. Genl of Subsistence recommended if the rules of the service will admit. Aug 7th Recd back with report EB p 421.Vol 3. | Washington  July 31" 1867  Forwards approved, letter of A.A. Surg. J.H. Bushwell stating that the officer on duty at Monument has received orders not to sell any Subsistence Stores to A.A. Surgeons & requests that the privilage of purchase Stores at the Coms'y Dept. be extended to him & other A.A. Surgeons on duty in this Bursary. |

| Aug 2d 1867  #237 | Columbia Dist.  C.H. Howard Gen'l.  See L.B. Aug 6" 1867.  Aug 6th. Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. | Washington  Aug 1st 1867.  Requests that Mr Wm R. Wilmer M.D. be appointed an Agent for Charles Co. Md. at a salary of $50.00 per month. |

| Aug 2d 1867.  #238 | Cawthorn Wm.  C.215.Vol 4.  Aug 3d 1867. Referred to A.C. of N.C. for his opinion. Recd back Aug 2nd 1867.- E.B.Vol III.p.466. | Warrenton N.C.  Aug 1" 1867.  Requests that the Bureau at Raleigh be authorized to donate $200.00 instead of $100 as they will need a stove & twenty school desks. |

| July 27th 1867.  #239 * | Churchill R.  See P.L.B.July 27th 1867  file. | Saratoga Spring. N.Y.  July 24th 1867.  Applies for a position as Agent of this Bureau. |

| Aug 6th 1867.  #240. | Caldecot Fred. J.P.  Aug 7th Referred to Asst. Comr of La. for report as to why this person has not been assigned to duty & paid if he is entitled to it. Recd back Aug 19th with report EB page 457 | New Orleans.  Aug 1" 1867.  States that on June 12th 1867 he was appointed clerk in the Bureau, but never was assigned to duty. After waiting until July 31" he reported in person to Genl Mower's Hd. Qrs. & was informed by the A.A.A.G. that he could not be assigned to duty. Asks pay from June 12th to July 31st 1867, also employment in the Bureau. |

| Aug 7th 1867.  #241. | Columbia Dist.  C.H. Howard. Genl.  See J.42.-  Aug 7th Referred to Asst. Comr of Va. for report. Oct 7th Rec'd back with report E.B.p 21.Vol 4. | Washington  Aug 5th 1867.  Forwards letter of Matilda Jones (col'd) who requests information of the whereabouts of her husband Richard Jones (col'd) & two sons formerly belonged to Bervan Jones Smithfield Va. Has not heard from them since last November 4 years. |

| Aug 7th 1867  #242. | Columbia Dist.  C.H. Howard. Genl.  Aug 7th. Referred to A.C. of Tenn. for report. - Aug 23d - Rec'd Back with report. - E.B.Vol.III.p.470. | Washington D.C.  Aug 5th 1867.  Forwards letter of James Walker (col'd) who desires information of his daughter Frances Woolidge last heard from July 22d 1866. She was then living with a Dr. Edmundson, in Memphis, Tenn. |

| Aug 7th 1867.  #243 | Columbus Dist.  C.H. Howard. Gen'l.  See L.B. Aug 8th 1867.  Aug 8th. Returned with appointment & letters of revocation enclosed as requested. | Washington  Aug 6th 1867.  Requests the following changes made in his office. John Williams be appointed clerk at a salary of $60 per mo from Aug 3d 67. The appointment of Geo. F. Marble Ch. clerk be revoked, and he appointed an Agent at a salary of $150 per mo from Aug 1" 67. Salary of Chas A. Shields Agent be increased from $80 to $100 per mo from Aug 1" 67. Salary of A.L. Smith Agt reduced from $100 to $75 per mo from Aug 1" 67, and the salary of Miss J Emma Tripping reduced from $90 to $75 per mo from Aug 1" 67, also the salary of Mrs J.S. Tripping Agent reduced from $100 to $50 per mo. from Sept 1st 67, she being paid $50 per mo by Sp. Relief Commission from that time. |