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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 27, 1867 #262 | Cutler, Wm A., Bvt Lieut Col. & S.A.C. the 116th U.S.C.T., and requests Lieut K's present P.O. address. Aug 30: Forwr'd to Col. F.W. Taggard, AGO. with request for the required information Sept 4th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p 582 Vol 3. | Rocky Mount, N.C., August 26. 1867 States the Jerry Bullock, late Sergt Co E. 37 USCT., deposited $25.00 with Lieut. Jno E Kimball, late of 37th USCT. |     

| August 27. 1867 #263 | Cutler, Wm A., Bvt Lieut Col., S.A.C. Aug 28: Referred to Col. F.W. Taggard. Oct 29th Returned See E.B. p 27. Vol 4. | Rocky Mount, N.C., August 26, 1867 Enquires the regiment and company to which Enoch Lewis (Colored) belonged, and other particulars necessary to fill applications for arrears, &c Enochs widow states that he died at Fort Monroe, Va. | 

| August 27. 1867 #264 | Columbia, District of _:_ C H Howard B.B.G., & Asst. Commr. of the _. Aug. 28. Referred to the Chief Q.M. for execution. | Washington City, August 27. 1867 Requests to be furnished with 1/2 ream of letter paper according to sample. |

| August 28.1867 #265 | Columbia, District of -; C H. Howard, B.B.G., & Asst. Comm. of the -. Aug. 29 Returned with appointment.- | Washington City, August 28.1867, Recommends the appointment of C.W. Sharp as Agent at a salary of $75.00 per mo. |

| August 27.1867 #266  * | Cass. C.L.C.C., (late Capt 18th USCT) Enclosures returned Aug 28th to writer in person See LB Vol III for Aug 28, 1867. File |  Washington City Aug 23, 1867  Requests position. | 

| August 30. 1867 #267 | Columbia, District of - R.G. Rutherford, A.A.A.G  See C 379. Vol 11. Requests that the matter be referred to Warrenton Va for investigation. Aug 30: Referred to the AC of Va for report. Dec 17th Rec'd back with report EB 141 Vol 4. | Washington City August 29, 1867. Forwards statement of Lettie Palmer, (Colored) reporting that her husband Shadrack Palmer, dying some years ago, left $500 with W H Gaines of Warrenton Va, with directions that the interest of this sum should be paid her for her support and be divided at her death among her children, and that Gaines has failed to pay interest on $300.00 of said sum, claiming that it was lent to a Mr. Gaskins who is unable to pay it. |

| August 31. 1867. #268 | Columbia; A G Rutherford, A.A.A.G. District of - Aug 31: Referred to the Chief C.S. - | Washington City, August 30, 1867. Transmits estimate of rations required for issue to desolate freed people during Sept. 1867. |

| A 22d 1867 #269. | Columbia Dist C.H. Howard, Genl. See A 414 Vol 10. [[strikethrough]] file. [[/strikethrough]] Enclosed with A 414 Vol 10., forwarded to Adjt. Genl. U.S.A. | Washington, Aug 1st 1867. Returns copy of letter from A.G.O. asking if the services of Lt. W.H Rogers 45th Infty can be spared from the Bureau. With remarks that the services of this officer cannot well be spared. Having applied for more officers in vain have been obliged to employ civilians. | 

Transcription Notes:
Is table the right format? The carry over into the "name of writer" column is to save space to fill in completely for "Date and Purport of Letter" but it is visually confusing. Every "response" to letter started in column 2 it is typed in column 2, if letter wording from column 3 spills over into column 2 it is typed in column 3. have corrected your text.