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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 18th 1867.  #36 | Exley T. Mrs. June 18th Referred to A.C. of D.C. | Wilson Niagra Co. N.Y.  May 28th 1867.  Requests that an aged colored woman be sent to her as a house servant age about 45 to 55 years of age. |

| June 7th 1867  #37 | Edwards L.A.  Bvt. Col. and C.M. Officer.  see L #104 & 105. No. 108 S 335. T 186, 189. B 113 & L 112, 128. | Washington  June 6th 1867  Forwards letter of A.A. Surgeon C.H. Harris C.M.O. of La. transmitting copy of contract with oath of office in order of assignment to duty as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedmen Hospital. New Orleans La. of Dr. D. Mackey, also order of Asst. Comr directing contract to be made and the protest of Surgeons in Chief against the same for the alledged reason of Dr. Mackey's unfitness and that no necessity exists for his employment. Encloses in addition the Inspections report of the Hospital while under his (Dr. Harris) charge. With remark "Of Dr. David Mackey, I know nothing personally but Dr. Harris the Surg in Chief of La. represents him as entirelly disqualified for the position to which he has been assigned by the Asst Comr. and in this view he seems to be sustained by other highly esteemed and competent medical gentlemen. Dr. Harris' personal and professional character has hitherto been beyond reproach. I believe and his administration of the affairs belonging to the Med. Dept of La. has been entirely satisfactory to this Office. His protest against the orders of Genl. Mower is certainly characterized by expressions which render it very objectionable of which I doubt not he has since seen the impropriety, and now is prepared to make a frank confession and ready disavowel of everything discourteous towards the Comdg. General. I would therefore recommend if it has not already been done by Genl. Mower that Dr. Harris be restored to his former position as Surgeon in Chief, on terms satisfactory to the Genl. and mutually agreeable, also that he retain the charge of the Hospital at New Orleans and that the contact with Dr. Mackey be revoked."  E.B. p 229 Vol 3. |

| June 18th 1867  #38 * | Eliot K.G. Rev.   See S #350 Vol 10. 1867.  file. | St. Louis, Mo., June 1867  Reports that he has sent an Agent with $1000.00 worth of corn & bacon to distribute among the destitute of Carrolll Co. Ga. Has applied to Lieut Col. T.A. Seeley for transportation and hopes it will be granted. |

| June 25th 1867  #39 | Edward L.A.  Surg. & C.M.O.  June 25th, Referred to the Asst. Comr. of Ga. The within recommendation of Surg. Edwards is approved. | Washington  June 25th 1867  Recommends that the Asst. Comr. of Ga. be authorized to employ a person to act as Surgeon of the Dist. of Ga. at a salary of $100 per month until a permanent assignment can be made. |

| June 28th 67.  #40 * | Edwards L.A.  Surg & C.M.O.  See S 532 Vol 11.67  E.B. p 311 Vol 3. Sep 3d Recd back with report enclosed with S 532. Vol 11 1867.  Rec'd back August 3d/74 W.G.P. | Washington  June 21" 1867  Forwards letter of Capt. W.F. White V.R.C. enclosing accounts for medical attendance. With remark. Wishes to know if medical bill of officers is to be paid out of the Bureau funds. |

| July 3d 1867.  #41 | Edwards L.A. Surg. & C.M.O.  E B p.335. Vol 3. | Washington July 2d 1867  Forwards letter of Surg E.H. Harrisons reply to telegram of the C.M.O. of the 23d ultimo, stating that he recommended to Asst. Comr. of La. under the impression that the expenses would not exceed $206.00 with the cleansing of the drains & canals around the Freedmens Hospital but has learned since that it will cost $312.00 [[?]] of the City authorities [[?]] one disposition to improve the conditioning of the canal & in the vicinity which is equally as bad & that the building may at any time be reclaimed by the Treasury Dept deems it not advisable to make this expenditure. With remark. In view of these circumstances the Federal authorities must provide the remedy for existing [[?]] distributing freely disinfectants such as Zinc, charcoal, sulphate of iron &c would rely upon a free & constant use of disinfectant for the present. |