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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 12th 1867  #42 | Edwards L.A.  Surg. & C.M.O.  E.B.p 360.Vol 3. | Washington  July 12th 1867  Recommends that Dr Jas M. Laing (late Surg U.S.V.) be appointed Surg in Chief for Georgia & ordered to relieve Asst. Surg. Dr. Harris from that duty. Compensation $150.00 per month. |

| July 9th 1867  #43 * | Eliot Thos D.  See L.B.July 9" 1867.  file. appointed to Miss. | Washington  July 8th 1867.  Introduces Andrew Thomas recommending him for a position in the Bureau. |

| July 17th 1867  #44 | Edwards L.A.  Surg & C.M.O. &c.  E.B.p 367 Vol 3. | Washington  July 17th 1867  Forwards letter of W.W. Bidlock stating that Dr. Westerling owes him $30.00 which he promised to pay May 5th & has neglected to doing, requests steps be taken to procure the amt. from him. Endorsed by Surg. Wm F. Smith. Stating that Dr. Westerling's contract has been annulled since have learned that Dr. W. has fraudulently possessed himself of funds pertaining to the Hospital recommend his arrest & trial, or if practable that he be prevented from ever disgracing the service of the U.S. into which it is his intention to return C.M.O. inquires what shall he do? |

| July 23d 1867  #44 | Florida J.T. Sprague. Genl.  see T 148 Vol 10. | Jacksonville  July 18th 1867  Forwards approved letters of Walter Gwynn Locating Agent and E.M. West Special Agent both tendering their resignations to take effect July 31st 1867 |

| July 26th 1867  #45 * | Edwards L.A. Surg & C.M.O. See S.O.111.par 3 I & II.  file. | Washington  July 26th 1867  Recommends that Surgeon A.C. Swartzwelder U.S.V. be relieved from duty in Tenn. ordered to turn over his records to A.A. Surg. McNielly and to proceed to New Orleans for duty as Surg in Chief of this Bureau for La. |

| July 29th 1867  #46 * | Elvans Jno R.  file. | Washington  July 26th 1867  Recommends to the favorable notice of the Commissioner. Mr T.B. Brown late Warden of the D.C. Jail. |

| July 30th 1867  #47 * | East Tenn. Wesleyan College  T.H. Pearne & Jno F. Spence See E.56. Vol 4.  E.B.p 299 Vol3 Aug 8th Recd back with report. E.B.p 24.Vol 5  Rec'd back August 3d/74 W.G.P. | Knoxville Tenn July 24th 1867  and Cincinnati, O July 25th 1867  Report that the Trustees of the College have established a Normal Dept for the education of colored teachers but that Genl Carlin hesitates to expend the sum authorized by the Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau for the benefit of the college, and request that orders be issued to that effect. |

Transcription Notes:
There are two more lines in the end that I cannot completely understand, but besides that, I believe it is all done!